bunch of pumpkin

Bay8 Line Dance @ POP

Julia, Danny & Friends

Line dance together is our favorite place to be!

Let's Line Dance Together

Exercise, Have Fun, and Connect!

Whether you're a beginner or experienced dancer,

everyone is welcome!

Join us for a joyful time of movement, music, and community.

We are part of the Prince of Peace community group, blending Music, Words, and Line Dance to create a vibrant space for the line dance community.

Special thanks to Prince of Peace (POP) for continuing support and for providing the space for our line dance together opportunities.

Join Our Line Dance Community

I am not a professional line dancer or instructors. I am simply a line dance enthusiast who love to share my passion and line dance with friends!

I used to attend line dance classes at least four times a week. When I returned to work full time, I realized that there is not too many line dance classes or line dance together opportunity around me after work and on the weekend. I decided to take on the opportunity that POP provided to host and facilitate the Saturday line dance together for everyone who may be interested, especially for people who are not able to attend weekdays dance classes due to their work schedule.

At each line dance meet, a few of us who have line danced for a while will share and break down the dance steps for at least one new line dance before we go into just-dance to as many music as we can fit within the time frame. You are welcome to line dance with us. You don't have to be POP members to join us. To encourage everyone who are interested to line dance with us, we are keeping this opportunity at no cost to you as long as we can.

We regularly share dance steps, practice together, and occasionally attend other line dance events and classes when opportunities arise. If you are back away because you are new to line dance, have not worry, join us! We all start the same way! You can pick up one or two dances at a time.

note: We do take a few minutes to pray at begining and end of our line dance get together.

See you on the dance floor?

~Julia Gwei~

Venues & Schedule

We meet weekly on Saturdays from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM at the following locations:

  • POP Gym, Central Fremont, CA

  • POP Mission Hill, Fremont, CA

Weekly updates on our location, schedule, & dance list are provided to those who sign up.

Line dancing makes life more fun!

Signed up to receive weekly line dance meet updates, events notification, and other line dance resources:

Join Our Community

Discover joy through line dancing with us! Connect, learn, exercises and have fun together every week.

Julia Gwei ~ Facilitator / Host / Leader

@ Pop Line Dance

Thank you for Line Dancing together @ POP *GYM

Happy to line dancing together and meet new friends!


39 forever 😉

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